Consolidation & Reporting.
French and international (IFRS) standards, outsourcing and assistance in producing consolidated financial statements.
More and more, groups must produce consolidated financial statements in order to meet regulatory, market and funding requirements as well as facilitate management.
Since reporting frequency keeps accelerating, finance departments need to produce reliable information at ever-increasing speeds.
Our team of consolidation specialists use French and IFRS standards as well as consolidation software to help you prepare consolidated financial statements and handle all upgrades:
- New standards, interpretations, and new regulations
- Change of consolidation software, configuration upgrades, launch of new related tools (IFRS16, intra-group management and reconciliation, ESEF reporting, etc.)
- Changes in scope: acquisitions, mergers, transfers, carve-outs
Our strengths
Our teams can work with IFRS standards and French standards in these three main areas of expertise.
Operational support
Project owner assistance
- Total or partial outsourcing of the consolidation function
- Set-up of initial consolidation
- Our teams in the Transaction Services department work with the Consolidation & Reporting teams to support you in PPA (Purchase Price Allocation), which consists in valuation of identifiable assets as stipulated in ANC regulation 2020-01 and IFRS standards
- Our Transaction Services and Consolidation & Reporting teams also work together to conduct impairment tests

Operational support.
- Assistance for the production of consolidated financial statements, support for staff at the head office or at subsidiaries
- Transition management
- Transition from French standards to IFRS standards
- Processing complex consolidation operations (acquisitions, mergers, transfers, carve-outs)
- Optimisation of processes and closing times
- Tax reporting

Project owner assistance.
- Assistance in migration and configuration of consolidation tools
- Compilation of specifications for implementation or upgrades, acceptance testing of work performed by software publishers
- Automated production of notes to the consolidated financial statements and tax proof
- Implementation of consolidation tools, configuration upgrades, project management
Since we work with the main tools available on the market, we have a great deal of experience in setting up consolidation software. a sup We closely support our clients in their projects using Amelkis, SAP BFC, Viareport, HFM and Cegid Consolidation